Escape Room Waiver: Better Safe Than Sorry (with downloadable template)

It is rarely read and can still act as a life insurance for your company: the Escape Room waiver. But what is it used for at all? And why is it so complicated to write it? We clarify the most important questions and offer a template for download.

Designing rooms, tinkering with puzzles and leading games is a lot of fun. Less fun for most escape room operators is the administrative part of their work – but it is just as important for the long-term success of the company .

Whether you want to start an escape room or are already working in the industry: You should protect your business from potential lawsuits. That’s what the escape room waiver is used for.

What is a waiver?

A waiver is a contractual agreement that excludes or limits the liability of a person in certain cases. In the case of an escape room, for example, this means that you, as the operator, cannot be held liable if a player is injured on your premises.

Have you not yet taken care of your escape room waiver yet? Don’t worry, you are not alone in this.

However, every escape room operator should formulate a waiver and have it signed by their players. Otherwise, in the worst case scenario, a visitor could injure herself, sue you, and you could face a heavy fine.

We all know that escape rooms usually do not make millions of dollars in winnings. Therefore, a penalty payment could mean the end of the game. An escape room waiver is like life insurance for your company.

3 examples of when legal action can be taken

At this point we would like to expressly point out that we are not lawyers and that this does not constitute legal advice. Our goal is simply to make you aware of the importance of a waiver for escape rooms.

While it may seem unlikely to you that customers will be injured in your rooms, there is definitely a risk of injury. After all, players are under stress and may be careless.

What does a waiver NOT cover me for?

Without a waiver for your escape room, it can get expensive for you in the mentioned cases. A waiver protects you against many accidents – but not all. Not to be excluded is the liability for:

Please note that these points may differ depending on your country of origin.

Are you looking for new escape room ideas? Check out our post featuring 5 Youtube channels with great inspirational videos.

What should an escape room waiver contain in any case?

In your escape room waiver you should exclude the most important and most common reasons for complaints. You don’t have to name every case specifically, but you should remain rather general in the wording to exclude as many cases as possible.

The basic idea is that your customers confirm with their signature that they are aware that they are taking a certain risk by playing.

The players must confirm that:

Please note that these points may vary depending on your country of origin.

How do I write a waiver?

Preferably with a lawyer. Because waivers are usually formulated in a very covert manner and are difficult for non-lawyers to understand. It is therefore better to seek professional help.

To give you an idea of what a waiver for escape rooms should look like, we have prepared a template for you. However, we would like to point out once more that we are not lawyers and we recommend that you adapt our template to your company together with a lawyer or with a waiver letter wrting service.

Interesting side fact: If you run an escape room as a franchise, you usually get a waiver template from your franchisor.

Download waiver

What are the pitfalls?

This is another reason why you should consult a lawyer when writing a waiver for your escape room: There are several pitfalls. Probably more than in the classic video game “Pitfall!“.

If you really have to go to court because of an accident in your premises and there are wordings in your waiver that can be interpreted to your disadvantage, then an opposing attorney will do so. Regardless of your business.

It can become serious if:

Not only does it sound complicated, it actually is. Therefore, not even a perfectly worded escape room waiver does exempt you from taking out additional insurance to protect your business, such as liability insurance. In many cases the liability insurance will cover expenses for damages.

Signing the escape room waiver: paper or digital?

In the early days of escape rooms many customers had to sign a printed waiver. This resulted in thick folders with documents that no one looked at later. But there was simply no other option.

In the meantime, the process is mostly digital. Often customers do not even have to sign a document, but confirm that they are aware of the risks when ordering their tickets. All that is needed is a tick in the order process. In this article about Escape Room Software we have summarized the most interesting offers for you.

If your booking system does not support the integration of the waiver, you can also present the document to the customer digitally on a tablet. This saves a lot of time and space compared to the paper version – printing and filing are therefore not necessary.

Once you have completed the annoying but important wording of the waiver for your escape room, there is nothing to stop you from having fun designing rooms, tinkering with puzzles and giving customers a great time playing your games.

Expand Your Business Opportunities

With Cluetivity’s ready-to-play games, you can offer immersive live escape games with Augmented Reality for B2B and B2C customers.

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Thank you for organizing it and being there with us.We had lots of fun playing it and I’m glad we went for the extra accessories. The suitcases looked really cool and added an extra dimension to the game.

Depuis 2019, notre collaboration avec Cluetivity a transcendé nos attentes et a propulsé nos animations vers de nouveaux sommets ! En tant que fournisseur de nos Escape Games Outdoor et Indoor, Cluetivity a démontré un engagement inébranlable envers l'innovation, la qualité et l'excellence.Les Points Forts de Notre Partenariat :🚀 Technologie de Pointe :Cluetivity nous fournit une technologie de pointe, intégrant réalité augmentée, géolocalisation et interactions immersives pour créer des expériences uniques. Nos joueurs sont transportés dans des mondes palpitants où l'ingéniosité et la coopération sont à l'honneur.🌍 Variété de Scénarios Captivants :La diversité des scénarios proposés par Cluetivity a permis d'enrichir notre offre et de satisfaire une clientèle toujours avide d'aventure. Chaque Escape Game offre une expérience différente, captivant ainsi un large public.🤝 Soutien Exceptionnel :La réactivité et la disponibilité de l'équipe Cluetivity sont inestimables. Leur soutien constant, que ce soit pour des ajustements techniques, des mises à jour ou des conseils stratégiques, a grandement contribué au succès continu de nos Escape Games.🌐 Expansion Mondiale :Cluetivity nous a ouvert les portes d'une communauté mondiale de partenaires tout comme moi. Grâce à leur réseau, nous avons partagé des idées, échangé des bonnes pratiques et contribué à faire évoluer l'industrie.🏆 Satisfaction Clientèle Maximale :Nos joueurs sont conquis par la qualité des Escape Games fournis par Cluetivity. Les retours positifs affluent, renforçant ainsi notre réputation en tant que destination privilégiée pour des aventures immersives et palpitantes.En résumé, notre partenariat avec Cluetivity a été le catalyseur de notre succès dans le monde des Escape Games. Leurs innovations constantes, leur engagement envers l'excellence et leur support continu ont fait de notre collaboration une expérience cinq étoiles ! 🌟🔐 #Cluetivity #EscapeGamePartnership