Preparing your Chevening application

Follow these steps between now and applications opening on 2 August 2022, and you’ll be ready to ace the Chevening application process.

1. Think back to your proudest achievement in your life so far.

This could be a time where you’ve had to persevere in order to overcome a challenge, or a time that you had to forge new relationships in order to achieve something positive.

We recommend focussing on an achievement that helped you to develop new skills necessary for accomplishing your longer-term goals to create positive change in your home country.

Make sure you can talk about it in detail, including what you did, how you approached it, and what the result was.

“Describing in detail [one or two] examples will generally have a better impact than listing down everything without too much substance. In a nutshell, less is more.” – Roshini Menon, India, 2020 Chevening Alumna from King’s College London

2. Look forward to where you want to be in 2-, 5- and 10-years’ time.

Develop a realistic plan for achieving your goals to create positive change in your home country. We know life doesn’t always go to plan, but we want to know that you’ve put some serious thought into how you’re going to make your dreams a reality.

“It’s not about putting the most beautiful words on the application; it’s about communicating what it is you really want to achieve in your life.” – Syed Farradino Omar, Malaysia, 2018 Chevening Alumnus from Royal Holloway, University of London

“It’s helpful to sit down and really think about what logical steps you will need to take to achieve your goals in the future.” – Roshini Menon

Show us how determined you are to get to where you want to be!

3. Develop a clear sense about how a Chevening Scholarship could help you achieve your goals.

Why are you applying to Chevening? What could you achieve by joining our global community?

“Don’t be afraid to dream. If you dream about going to the best school in the UK and that’s going to make an impact to your life and the people around you, go for it!” – Syed Farradino Omar

“Try to focus on how the post graduate degree will act like a steppingstone and help your career to progress.” – Roshini Menon

Thinking about these questions now will mean that you’ll be ready to apply to Chevening when applications open on 2 August. The best of luck!

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© Crown copyright 2021
Chevening Awards are supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and partner organisations.