GIS Application Development

GIS Application Development

GIS technology is rapidly becoming one of the most widely used information platforms in the world. Geographic information systems (GIS), can be used to gather, store, manipulate, and analyze geographic data for a wide variety of purposes.

Because GIS is so versatile, it is becoming increasingly popular for use in Mobile, Web and Desktop application development.

Who Benefits From GIS Application Development?

GIS technology can be used to gather and analyze all kinds of geographic data such as populations, traffic patterns, natural resource management, pollution monitoring, and more. GIS applications that make use of the data gathered can then be developed for a wide variety of industries including real estate, research, government, and retail.

Geographic data are used in customized web and mobile applications for all kinds of purposes. For example, retail stores might create an online Shopping App that detects when someone is close to a brick-and-mortar store and then send them customized offers to encourage them to visit. Real estate professionals might have an App to show customers nearby houses that are for sale. Other applications for GIS technology include custom maps to communicate with customers in the field, and even modelling the effectiveness of regulation on individual land holdings.

GIS Application Modules

A GIS application is usually created in eight main phases…

GIS software developers create a customized GIS application based on the specific needs of a particular client.

What does a GIS Application Do?

The function of a GIS application all depends on what industry the application was developed for and the needs of the individual client. A GIS application could be developed to collect and store large quantities of information, or a GIS application could be designed to translate data into maps, tables, or graphs. A GIS application could even be used to create statistical reports or to manage a major projects. There are so many businesses and industries with a need for GIS applications.


With GIS technology rapidly becoming a part of most major industries, it is no surprise that it is becoming increasingly important for application development. With GIS technology, software developers can create customized web, mobile, and desktop applications designed to meet the needs of individual clients in a variety of industries including retail, education, real estate, government, and more.
