Corel paintshop pro manual color correctin

Corel PaintShop Pro Help : Working with advanced color features : Working with color management

Working with color management

2 Choose File Color Management Color Management.
If necessary, mark the Enable Color Management check box to access the controls in this group box.
3 Choose the Basic color management option to access controls for your monitor and printer.
4 In the Monitor Profile drop-list, choose the monitor profile you want to use.
5 In the Printer Profile drop-list, choose the printer profile you want to use.
6 In the Rendering Intent drop-list, choose the setting that matches your intended output.
This setting affects how the option you choose in the Printer Profile drop-list is used.
7 Click OK.

You can set your printer to simulate a printing press by choosing the Proofing option, choosing a device in the Emulated Device Profile drop-list, and choosing the appropriate option in the Rendering Intent drop-list.

2 Choose File Color Management Color Working Space.
3 In the Color Working Space drop-list, choose a color space.
4 In the CMYK Profile drop-list, choose a profile to be used for the CMYK-related operations in the application.
5 Click OK.

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